God Lives For “THE PURSUIT” — Crossway Ministries Inc

God Lives For “THE PURSUIT”

silhouette of man and his bride walking in the woods

Read: Genesis 24

In this passage, Abraham is getting on in years, and Sarah his wife has already passed.  We see Abraham commissioning his head household servant, “the one in charge of all Abraham had” (verse 2).  Abraham gives this senior servant the task of going out and finding a wife for his only son Isaac, who was to carry on the family heritage.  The servant is instructed to go to a very specific area and to seek out a very specific type of bride.

So, the servant went out and did exactly what his master told him.  When he arrived, the first thing he did was prayed for success in his endeavor and he prayed for the bride-to-be (verse 12-14).  He very much wanted to please his master!

The narrative is long, and maybe you already know the story.  Rebekah showed up, and she was everything the servant had prayed for.  It was crystal clear to him that she was the one.  The servant goes through some difficulties with Rebekah’s family in order to convince them to let her go [Many people stand in the way of your saying “yes” to Christ].  The story goes on, and Rebekah finally comes back home with the servant and marries Isaac. 

This account is precious to remind us of how God the Father “sent out” the Holy Spirit in search for us, to include us in the Church, the Bride of Christ.  The Father is always looking for a bride for His only begotten Son, Jesus. 

Jesus says in John 6:44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.” This “drawing in” is always a work of the Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit who adds members to the body of Christ and builds the church in the present age.  For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body (1 Cor 12:13)

Today, if you are a believer, thank God that He never gave up on you.  Thank Him for pursuing you like a groom pursues and courts his bride-to-be.  Thank Him for continuing to woo you even when you hesitated for a while.  Thank God that the Holy Spirit prays for you still when you do not know what to pray for yourself (Rom. 8:26).  Thank God that you have a seat reserved at the great wedding reception banquet still to come!  “Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” (Rev 19:6-9). We have many reasons to celebrate today!!

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